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Diamonds Galore

0 702 jour, 16:24 Published in Canada Canada

Got land skill 3, 4, or 5? health over 70? great! Join the Diamond Tech Corp for a place to find a long term job!

Jobs are up now! well funded and ready to go. If you're a

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Top 10 reasons: You know you're a new congressman if...

15 695 jour, 20:19 Published in USA USA

Ladies and Gentleman, you know you're a new congressman if..

#10: Your first time you've had more than four alerts on your page in one day.

#9: You propose something without getting approvals.

#8: You get an

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Rumor-Mill Newsflash Ed.: Aren Perry for AAP President?

10 694 jour, 10:34 Published in USA USA

"What’s this you say?"

Aren Perry for Party President??

WOWZERS! He was so cool last time he was Party President… but his name isn’t on the list of candidates?

That’s because I’m running alongside of Tormod and Emmanuel

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Date Fail

11 692 jour, 09:20 Published in USA USA

False alarm, I shall cancel the party and re-do this article on December 10th!

Not October 12.

Curse you European methods of dating!!! (not like, relationship dating, like dates of days dating. I'd date a hawt European any day! Except that I'm

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A Quick Analysis of the Economic Module from an eUSA perspective

10 688 jour, 15:28 Published in USA USA

A History Lesson (skippable)

Literally almost right after v1 came out I recall quite distinctly people griping about how there was a recent change in the economic module which (among other things I may be unaware of) was a change of the … en savoir plus »