Citizens of the eUSA, THE day has come

Day 598, 11:41 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Finally, I hope with the clear and present danger of an attack from both Hungary and Indonesia from both sides of our borders that the day has come for it to happen. we will find it or die-


Now is not the time for us not to focus on the AAP, CvP, or any party belief or position but to put all our efforts and desires on hold for the defense of the eUS. If any of you have weapon companies, bring them out of the dust of e-retirement and put them to use.

We will be tested to see how strong not only our people are in fighting but also in spirit. We will all need to work together to get past the war that now faces us imminently.

-The day has come for our training to pay off


I am now a Colonel, thanks to our training wars, with over 10 strength. I am not nearly the strongest in the eUS, but I believe I can pack a punch. Every person, from the lowest rank to the highest will provide essential damage in the battles ahead.

I urge all who have not to move to Kansas, or even Florida or New Jersey so that they can fight at maximum levels

If any of you are working in manufacturing, please consider working for a weapons company first and foremost.

If any of you aren't in the military, consider joining.

-The day has come for this ideal

Nation and duty FIRST, personal endeavors, SECOND

If any of you have spare change, I strongly suggest you buy some weapons. They will become more expensive as time goes on, only. At current, I have in stock ~55 weapons of my own, all Q2/Q1. I am not a rich man, in fact all I have to my name now is 100 USD, the weapons I preciosuly bought and will use, and a diamond company.

I will be leaving my land job and getting a job in the manufacturing field (weapons company) where I have some skill, but will receive less pay. It is my duty and priviledge for my country.

If anyone in the AAP needs gifts, contact the org (America's Advancement Party) and we will see what we can do to support your health. At the moment, such gifts will be limited to those that are high strength or those that are newer players.

For the moment, those that are not AAP may receive gifts from the organization.

I don't know about you, but the AAP, and I, are about national focus. We're not anti-USWP, pro-USWP, anti-conservatives, we're not just liberals with an agenda, we want a national focus for unity, strength, nation first-party second.

Today, I hope you can proudly say when you're asked on the street corner

Sir, Who are you?

a citizen of the United States

Not CvP, AAP, USWP, Libertarian, UIP, Federalist, Capitalist, Socialist, or Democrat.

To me, no higher title can be given. Be I Party President, President of the eUSA, Ambassador, Congressman...nothing brings me higher honor than to put beneath my name-

Aren Perry,
A Citizen and Soldier of the eUnited States

OORAH let's bring it to'em!