AP: Thank you to Tormod

Day 591, 11:14 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

I thought about publishing this in its probably more deserving area of the AAP Newspaper, but at current there is already an article up there for today so to give it some airtime, I figured I would publish this here, in my personal newspaper.

In a series I'm starting at the end of my Party Presidency (yesterday i published one for the amzing Carl Bishop), I'm saying today Thank you Tormod.

Tormod is one of our esteemed congressman for the AAP. He is a second term Congressman that is active within eusforum.com and represents the AAP well.

While being a congressman, Tormod has also taken on the role of Director of Business and Finance for the AAP for two terms. While his predecessor, Equality, had some great ideas and made his own advances within the position for the sake of the party (and deserves his own thank you), Tormod helped bring back to life our businesses within the party.

Tormod has been responsible for the selling of our grain company, the buying of a weapon company, its upgrading to a Q2, and the acquisition from a benefactor of a Q2 Oil company as well. Under his leadership, the companies have been making a profit and benefiting the party.

Also on his accomplishment list is

-the creation of a seperate org for the purposes of better monetary control over our funds for the AAP (and we hope and expect better communication between the Welfare and Business departments),
-a proper defense of "lulz" proposals for congress
-putting a helping hand within the acquisition of moving tickets and the congressional organizing during the congressional election phase
-and a wee bit of rip roaring over my personal behalf while I was under some personal accusations that I'm hoping we're all over.

Tormod came into a department that needed some revamping, revamped it, and got us on track with our businesses. He has put our money to good use and the AAP is the better for having Tormod on its team.

So, again, Tormod, here's to you bud! I wish you luck in all your endeavors, business and political, within the new world.

Aren Perry,
AAP Party President

Tormod, I may have missed something, and if so let me know so I can add it 🙂