AP: Thank you to Seeker1

Day 593, 18:31 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

On my next list of persons that I need to praise for their help and friendship during my time as Party President is, Seeker1.

Without these people my time as the AAP Party President would not have been nearly as accomplished, successful, or fun.

Seeker1 has put a lot of effort and personal work into the AAP.

Seeker originally contacted me asking if there was any position available in leadership within the AAP over two months ago. While every official position was filled, I always find a place for everyone to be involved within the AAP as best as I can.

Due to Seeker1's qualifications within politics, I thought that she was a perfect fit for a project that I among a few others thought was a worthy endeavor, the re-writing of the AAP manifesto. Though our old one was decent it didn't take enough concrete stances that I would have liked.

So Seeker1 set to task to re-create a more concrete manifesto on our behalf. And so she did. While I was involved with the editing and creation of a few new sections within the manifesto that I felt were necessary, Seeker1 created the original draft, majority of the content, wording, and ultimately the final draft of our new manifesto. (check out the America's Advancement Party newspaper and go back a page or two for the manifesto of which Seeker is greatly responsible for)

By the time the next month of being Party President of the AAP rolled around, the position of Director of PR was begging for Seeker1 to take over with her obvious skills for writing particularly in matter of politics. This will be the second term that Seeker1 has been our Director of PR and has helped bring solid articles and writing to the forefront of the AAP.

Seeker1 has done a great job in giving us a jump start towards the AAP becoming an active voice within the press.

-Seeker1 was kind enough to represent the AAP as the official AAP ICCCR representative one month if I recall correctly.
-Seeker1 became a congressman representing the AAP for the respectable state of Maine this term and I strongly suggest that all those in Maine continue to vote for Seeker1 for a smart and well grounded politician to represent them.

To all of her accomplishments for her own political endeavors and the contribution to the AAP party and to my e-life, here's to you for your help

Thank you Seeker1
Creator of the AAP manifesto
2 Term Director of AAP PR
1 Term Congressman from Maine

Aren Perry
AAP Party President