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Diamond Tech Corp now hiring!

5 588 jour, 06:02 Published in Canada Canada

Newly created Diamond Tech Corp is hiring!

We are a Q2, top notch salary paying company that will make sure that you're reimbursed for your hard efforts as much as possible! Come

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AAP Presidential Nomination-Let's get it done!

2 587 jour, 13:09 Published in USA USA is the link to our party forum area discussing each candidate that has asked for our nomination.

Let's see those votes! I want to hear from ALL party members, which is why I am posting … en savoir plus »

Parties, Partisanship, Primaries, 'Pologies and Plans

11 585 jour, 05:34 Published in USA USA

I thought the title sounded catchy-anyways.

I am writing what may turn out to be a mega or a short article about what I've learned about politics the American Way. Throughout it I put in major points that I hope you can pay attention to 😉.

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Aren Perry, for NJ!!

23 575 jour, 19:22 Published in USA USA

Hello all of my friends in New Jersey and the eUSA.

I am running for congress in the great state of New Jersey!. I am running with the support of the USWP and the AAP. I hope that for all of the hard work that I have done as a 4

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My AAP Friends, Hold your vote

5 573 jour, 00:30 Published in USA USA

I thank you all for being AWESOME people and supporting me. However, hold your vote as long as you can to see where it is needed.

It is not an attempt to be cocky, but the 'other guy' in the AAP competition stands little chance save PEACE

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