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A personal story, a political career

1 686 jour, 15:43 Published in USA USA

This would be posted within the AAP newspaper except that the password was changed (as is typical) and I have not been informed of the new one. Therefore as PR director, I'm publishing it in my personal newspaper.

Today I start a … en savoir plus »

[USA] To South Africa, an apology...

19 685 jour, 17:38 Published in South Africa South Africa

As an unofficial ambassador, I come to say..

We are soooo sorry we did not intend on leaving someone as mundane as a certain 'conservative' individual (who I shall not directly name to avoid banhammer that tried to split up the

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AAP House Buying Guide

3 681 jour, 16:23 Published in USA USA

The housing market has taken a considerable downturn with the existence of so many wars and their opportunity to use the fight/heal to 100 health technique. However, it is becoming clear that while not over, war especially directly involving the

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Observing America from then to now

6 655 jour, 19:39 Published in USA USA

Coming back from a hiatus, I'm excited to see an America as it stands currently. Where we are now is much different from where we were. Now I see unified people fighting for their country, giving money to the marines and helping out our country

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If you didn't know

3 651 jour, 15:59 Published in USA USA

I'm back. Granted, in grad school and rather busy, but my 12+ strength is plugging away what it can. Let's go eUSA!!

and Hi to all my old friendz!

Long live the eUSA!

Aren Perry

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