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You want things done? We know how to get it done! Mattoze5/Aren Perry for POTUS!

19 711 jour, 10:43 Published in USA USA

The Sexy Man Himself. (we just stole all the ladies’ votes)

Announcing the Presidential Campaign for Presidency, Mattoze5 and Aren Perry for President/Vice President of the United States!

Now, Mattoze said in his … en savoir plus »

A calm ending to an epic war

9 709 jour, 18:07 Published in USA USA

-Today, within the next few hours, Nunavut will be back in the hands of the Canadians.

-Just minutes ago, Alaska returned to the hands of the eUSA without much of a struggle from Hungary. It seems that the Hungarians were content to be kicked

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Shocking News!

8 707 jour, 17:27 Published in USA USA

This article will not make top 5!!!

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A Voting Cause worth Supporting-Help Secure Belgium!

11 705 jour, 16:29 Published in USA USA

Not more than a few days ago, Seal Team 6 along with other para military groups revived Belgium from the dust in order to protect her freedom from those within Netherlands that selfishly wished to see it enveloped into a PEACE nation under the flag

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To All: Fight in Nunavut! NOT in the Resistance War or anywhere else!

10 704 jour, 20:13 Published in USA USA

Read official DoD orders! Don't follow anyone else's words, not even mine before you check with the DoD on the top 5 article list! Seriously, all noobs, do not fight in the RW!

Aren Perry

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