AAP House Buying Guide

Day 681, 16:23 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

The housing market has taken a considerable downturn with the existence of so many wars and their opportunity to use the fight/heal to 100 health technique. However, it is becoming clear that while not over, war especially directly involving the eUSA is going to be more scarce. Thus, I encourage all who have not, or who have low Q houses, to consider buying a house.

So, why buy a house?

In General

Houses are a great advantage because they allow you to work in higher quality companies providing higher wages with little to no extra penalty in terms of wellness (with a decent quality house).

As a rough example, if you work at a Q3 business, buy Q2/Q3 food, and maintain +90 wellness, without a house you will have to lose an extra fight or two every 3-4 days costing you experience and battle damage-not to mention if there is no battle requiring you to buy gifts or higher quality food eating into your extra wages and quite often making the higher quality (better paying) jobs not worth taking.


-If you want to work those higher quality jobs, salivating at the looks of those salaries while still maintaining the extra net income from those jobs versus a lower quality company due to food and gift costs, a house is the only only real option and way to go over the long run.

I suggest that you buy sooner rather than later as with the incessant war slowing the rise in prices of the housing industry is possibly soon. For sure, the housing market is currently as I write this a very cheap market.

I also suggest that before you buy on the open market, you at least take a look at the black market on eusforum.com for better deals, especially for lower quality houses.

In short, get a roof over your head. Not only is it somewhat of a status symbol, but a very useful staple product for wellness that is more reliable than any other form of wellness production for yourself.

The quality you choose, of course, involves many judgment calls.

Q1 House


A house is a great overall investment that simply cannot fail to return the USD that you put into it over time. A Q1 house will make the difference up between buying Q1 food and Q2 food, thus if it saves you having to buy just Q2 food, it is saving you ~1 USD per day. At a cost of 200 USD, a very very low price relative to the prices that I used to see on the market for a Q1 house, it will make itself up in 200 days and start saving you money ever after. Not to mention that if you take the difference between Q2 and Q3 bread, the Q1 house will make up its own cost even faster.

The 5 gold you start out with at level 5 will practically provide you every penny you need to buy this if you are a new player. Also, a Q1 house will open the door to a Q2 job being worth your time in terms of the wage you make versus the daily cost in food-though it still may be slightly awkward in terms of your wellness needs.


Sooner or later, you will want to replace that small Q1 house. It doesn’t really provide the kick you need to help you get that higher quality better paying job and be worthwhile. A decent staring investment, the bigger problem with Q1 houses is that they are sold on the black market for very cheap due to their common and overproduced nature. You can use the black market on eusforum.com to buy these for cheap, but it also makes the turn around when you want to dump them harder.

Q2 House


A Q2 house will provide just as much health boost as a piece of Q2 food. Buying Q2 food with a Q2 house is just as good as buying Q4 food, which is pretty superior price wise in the long run. A Q2 house costs ~500 USD, a little over twice the price for a Q1.

Considering it has twice the boost and is a house you will hang onto a little longer, I suggest buying a Q2 house off the bat if possible. With a Q2 house, it is pretty easy to maintain a Q2 job as opposed to a Q1 job (it's still slightly hard to maintain a Q2 job with a Q1 house) and maintain a wage advantage even at lower skill levels where the difference in wage tends to be smaller.

The re-sell value is generally still low but a lot better than Q1’s. It may be better if you judge so to hold off on buying the Q1 and wait until you can afford a Q2.


The price is slightly hefty for newer players, practically impossible to get from the get-go and if you wait you are possibly paying those extra lovely dollars on higher Q food. Given the current fight all the time scenario, however, the most probable disadvantage in waiting for a Q2 house is not being able to afford weapons at all and losing a fight or two per week if you buy Q1 food. Also, at some point in time, a Q2 house will be something you will want to shed for a higher quality though its durability is in my opinion more than twice the Q1.

Q3 House


The Q3 house is a solid house that provides considerable health boost. With a mix of Q2 and Q3 food, you can afford to work at a Q3 job, train, and use a Q3 house to maintain a wage advantage. At this point in time it is against your own advantage to work at a Q1 company because the amount of health you are getting from Q1 food and your house will easily take care of your needs and then some.

It is much more worth your while to at least work at a Q2 company and maintain your health with Q2 food or even work at a Q3 company. The price compared to a Q4 house is much more palpable and the re-sell value for a Q3, while with all houses lower than one would want, is much better than with Q2 or Q1 houses.


As always, a higher quality house is better and the investment you sink in to a house cannot be measured by mere dollars. Always, the higher quality house the better and each time you upgrade you lose dollars because you will almost always sell for less than you bought. Thus, buying the highest quality you can is always the best idea. Also, working for a Q3 company (while there are many of those) can be slightly awkward as you have to buy a mix of food types to maintain health and it still is slightly costly.

Seeing as how a Q2 house can provide decently easy access to Q2 companies, a Q3 house is at a slightly awkward if mid-way stage of house quality that almost provides enough to make it easy to make it worthwhile to work at a Q3 company but not quite if the job market pay is not different enough between a Q2 and Q3 job.

Q4 House


Nobody can laugh at a guy with a Q4 house.

It makes it pretty easy to maintain a Q3 job with Q3 food and make working at such a job a profitable adventure. Further, by itself it can regulate your wellness to 100 if you don’t work, train, or eat food for as many days as you so choose. Working a Q4 job can also be worth your time, but such jobs are generally rare and can be slightly costly between Q3 and Q4 food.

Working a Q1 job would be ridiculous with a Q4 house and working a Q2 on the low side for sure. It’s the house type that I personally maintain. Such a house provides a mainstay of wellness to your character and its resell value is pretty decent, though it may be harder to find a buyer than for a Q3 house.


A Q4 house is so close to a Q5 house you can taste it. The price differential is ~600 USD-about the first quality boost that isn’t double the price. The Q5 has the ultimate value, the one you will never get rid of unless a fit of insanity takes you, and it definitely can be worth your time to wait for that extra 600 USD to roll in to buy it.

Q5 House

Slightly self-explanatory-this is just about the only house quality that makes working a Q5 job worth your time. Even with it, it requires high quality food to maintain your wellness. However the pay differential is worth it. Also with a Q5 house you can fight 6 times in one day and rebound the next day to 100 health using Q5 food and fight/heal one time the next day. Needless to say, if you can afford the 2k it takes to buy it, go for it.

As said before, the price of a house is not the issue when it comes to its appeal, you will always, always, get back your return on a house and especially moreso on a higher quality house. And this is the highest it gets.


COST. Beyond this-working a Q1 or Q2 job would be silly and if you miss such work for some reason, then it’s a disadvantage (?). Otherwise, not a disadvantage in the world.

Aren Perry,
AAP PR Director
Former 3 term Party President

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