Observing America from then to now

Day 655, 19:39 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Coming back from a hiatus, I'm excited to see an America as it stands currently. Where we are now is much different from where we were. Now I see unified people fighting for their country, giving money to the marines and helping out our country together to be a powerful nation that can get the job done. Let us hope that it stays this way.

Granted, I may be missing some of the political tension that may be here because of my lack of knowledge of current political events, but it seems like to me that we've got a winning combination here.

I guess the question is for me looking into the hopeful future is, what do we do after we've regained all our regions? Do we go back to the way things were before? Let's not. So far I like this eUSA-better.

I definitely want to get more involved with the military than the national guard now that I'm not tied down to any specific political duties (help, someone?).

I must also come back pleasantly surprised to find that my AAP has become the second largest party, something that when I was first President seemed like an impossibility-and then a distant possibility as the party continued to gain support.

with a President that was smart and savy enough to bring us back and keep us alive-defeating the Russians will be as easy as getting a Cossak hammered.

Which is pretty easy.

Aren Perry,
Lots of former positions
bla bla bla
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