[USA] To South Africa, an apology...

Day 685, 17:38 Published in South Africa USA by Aren Perry

As an unofficial ambassador, I come to say..

We are soooo sorry we did not intend on leaving someone as mundane as a certain 'conservative' individual (who I shall not directly name to avoid banhammer that tried to split up the Conservative party in the United States and recently published some hilarious American President articles) in a peaceful nation such as yours.

We understand your pain and I'm working right now in congress to get some kind of monetary donation from our nation to yours in a show of solidarity for the damage and pain it must be causing you-nonstop-like a leaky toilet.

While we tried to get him to move to Hungary or Indonesia, but apparently they already have wonderful conservative democracies, so he was hell bent beyond our prevention from continuing his campaign in a healthy nation.

If there is any way that we can help you, for example, maybe a two nation unified "oh my gosh I can't believe he said that" quote day once an e-year in which we can roast said individual, or something else. Please let me know.

In reality though, all we can send to you is our support, sympathy, and our prayers.

Just don't send him back our way ok?