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8 906 jour, 08:30 Published in USA USA

That's right,

Finals and my soon coming wedding will keep me from writing my first mathy article which I wanted to write BEOFRE I got married, though I have a few good ideas (I hope good ideas) churning up in my head about what to write about I

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Announcing the Change: Math is Sexy

9 898 jour, 13:18 Published in USA USA

So outside of two clicking I've been pretty bored with this game, but I just got done re-visiting my two favorite articels from my newspaper, [url=

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To Max with NO love from a Patriot AAP Member

10 846 jour, 18:10 Published in USA USA

So, It's been four months since my last article. I've been busy, still am busy, and simply have enjoyed my time in Seal Team 6 and casual playing of this game a great deal more than I did when I was mega-involved.

But I felt like I had

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So admins, need a new solution? An In-Depth Analysis of Economy and TRAINING

18 752 jour, 14:07 Published in USA USA

So I intended to finish an article earlier on here, and it was dealing more so with the economic module which was my main

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Today is my e-birthday

6 751 jour, 15:32 Published in USA USA

The day that I became a year old within this game.

While in game it has been another fun day, traveling personally to Romania to help them out in their fight.

In real life its sucked.

Still, yay for me.. indeed, I have been playing this

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