A Voting Cause worth Supporting-Help Secure Belgium!

Day 705, 16:29 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

Not more than a few days ago, Seal Team 6 along with other para military groups revived Belgium from the dust in order to protect her freedom from those within Netherlands that selfishly wished to see it enveloped into a PEACE nation under the flag of Netherlands.

This dearly bought freedom is now under attack through the election process. PEACE has brought in a list of people to try to PTO the government and return the region of Belgium to Netherlands once again.

Listen, we all wish to vote for those that we want to see in office, but the eUSA is safe in that whomever we elect they will look out for the benefit of our nation in the best way they know how. Let's give another nation that same opportunity.

How do I help?

Step 1

Buy (two, one to go one to get back) moving tickets and move to Belgium today only after fighting, and preferably bezerking against the battle in Nunavut (very important! and USE weapons!!)

-work BEFORE you travel as there are NO jobs in Belgium.

Step 2

Apply for citizenship. it will be automatically be granted to you as there is no current congress.

Step 3

Vote SMARTLY for a candidate from "The Group" and NO other political parties. Not even for the Seal Team 6 party.


It is better if you have an org and look at the current votes to make sure that whoever you vote for is someone who needs it especially.... however, as a general guideline do not vote for the candidate of "the group" that is at the very top of the list and not for one that is at the bottom! Vote for one that is 2nd-5th on the list in general and it will help ensure that we save Belgium from PEACE hands!

Let's do our allies a favor-Our politics are fun but this is necessary!

Let's save Belgium! Let's not let our efforts go to waste on freeing their region just to have it tainted with the filth of PEACE once again!

Aren Perry,
Seal Team 6 Member
Former AAP Party President
Former Congressman

EDITWE HAVE WON IN NUNAVUT!! This is a day for celebration! Fight wherever the official orders are to fight, and then move to Belgium aftewards!