A calm ending to an epic war

Day 709, 18:07 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry

-Today, within the next few hours, Nunavut will be back in the hands of the Canadians.

-Just minutes ago, Alaska returned to the hands of the eUSA without much of a struggle from Hungary. It seems that the Hungarians were content to be kicked out of the North American Continent. The memories of occupation will be wiped out of existence from North America.

In fact, the three resistance wars within Hungary itself were obviously their primary target today with the biggest of them with over 1 million damage points logged as the margin of difference between the resistance winning and losing.

For such a long drawn out battle at the beginning of which the eUSA seemed incapable of pushing Hungary out of the North American continent, the end came swiftly for the occupation of North America.

Certainly, this battle was a calm one to end the last whisper of what was once the almost complete occupation of the North American Continent. We are a nation again, complete and whole, all of our territory is indeed ours again.

And certainly, we must not forget in the coming months the lessons of unity we have learned as a nation. Constant 'real battle' is not the sustenance of this game.

I remember quite well the frivolous debates and inner bickering that kept us from being a nation that was one of the major players within the e-world. Many, many players were born through this war and do not have the background to remember such times. I hope that we all have the maturity to not go back to the way things were before.

What now?

What now that we have completed our greatest mission? will we fade out of activity? I hope not.

There are still places to be defended and nations to fight for. There are many worthy causes for us to fight for beyond aggression. Many nations that need our help with resistance wars and the restoration of their identity, like North Korea. Let's continue to put balance back into action and restore the scars left from this epic battle.

Someday, maybe we will be powerful enough and have no better objective than to go on the offensive. If this is the case, I condone such action as it is just a game, but for now, my admonition to all eUSA players is do not get restless if we have no 'real' battles, find ways in which you can help other nations, for those are just as real as our personal battles. Find ways to get involved to make our nation and alliances better.

For the moment, more than anything, , let us celebrate in both excitement and moments of solidarity, the value of having our nation back... even if Sarah Palin can run for governor again...it's worth it!

Aren Perry,
NAU Professor
AAP PR Director

PS: Changed the title of my Newspaper to The Leaflet