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Today is my birthday

5 735 jour, 09:21 Published in USA USA

And since we still have this birthday erep bash going on-you all can send me a cake for my birthday of the quality of your love 😛

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From the most loyal AAP Member: An Honest Insight for Tomorrow

10 725 jour, 13:01 Published in USA USA

Dear AAP Brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow we face an election that we often overlook its importance. I wholeheartedly agree with NeilP99 in his assessment ([url][/url]) of

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You know you're a campaigner if...

8 724 jour, 20:28 Published in USA USA

You have over 6000 sent emails in your outbox. Seriously, that should be a medal of some kind! 🙂 Hit this up with a comment if you know what I mean. Oh I miss the days of the automatic mailer.


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Dear AAP: My Endorsement for the next PP

5 720 jour, 15:31 Published in USA USA

Greetings one and all AAP members,

Even as I am busy overrunning the forces of PEACE and Hungary as a part of Seal Team 6, I am writing to you today to endorse for our next Party President this 15th, Emmanuel Cruise. EC, as many know him,

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AAP: A new option

0 717 jour, 14:37 Published in USA USA


Check out the new PP-elect for an exciting new option for our future!

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