You want things done? We know how to get it done! Mattoze5/Aren Perry for POTUS!

Day 711, 10:43 Published in USA USA by Aren Perry
The Sexy Man Himself. (we just stole all the ladies’ votes)

Announcing the Presidential Campaign for Presidency, Mattoze5 and Aren Perry for President/Vice President of the United States!

Now, Mattoze said in his article that this is a slightly late in the coming run, however, I’m inclined to disagree! Ever since this past August, me and Mattoze have been considering when and where we should run for POTUS. Thus, this run has been long in the coming. I and Mattoze have been friends ever since we ran against each other for congress (I won, for the record!). We have a great working relationship that we will bring to the table.

Why Mattoze5/Aren Perry?

Reason #1

I greatly respect everyone who is currently running for President. However, I can say that Josh Frost/Woxan is quite markedly a left ticket team. Both of them come from the two left-winged parties that are also the two biggest within the eUSA (USWP and AAP, of course).

Also, while Jewitt’s ticket can claim some bi-partisanship due to Jewitt’s general neutral position among party affiliation, Me and Matt represent two people who come from opposite sides from the table that have a proven track record of getting things done together and from across the table. Mattoze5/Aren Perry is THE bi-partisan team for this coming month.

Reason #2

We know what it means to run a country in peacetime. We’re coming from across the board politically from each other which gives us a unique advantage unlike anyone else running this term towards keeping our nation UNITED.

Josh Frost has plenty of experience with military events, which is very important, and some experience domestically. However, domestically, me and Mattoze5 have more experience. Jewitt has a ton of experience everywhere without a doubt, but his ticket is still not as bi-partisan and Mattoze5/Aren Perry together.

Ok, but what experience do you bring to the table??

Good question! Look at Mattoze’s articles for information about his plans and experience,

As for me, I come with the background of,

Former 4 Term Congressman
Former 3 Term Party President
Former 4 Term Ambassador to Turkey
Former Home Guard Member / XO
NAU Professor
New Player Mentor
Former Head of Infrastructure Committee (its first month)
AAP PR Director
Former AAP Recruitment Director
Seal team 6 member
SADD Member
And more…

Without a doubt I have been active within this game and will continue to be so. Also without a doubt, the other Presidential elects bring along their own slew of experience and positions (all well qualified people).

My point is not that I am more experienced than them; merely, I hope that my experience attests to my competency for VP of the eUSA. Though I lack a depth of military experience...

I know what its like and what an eUSA in a period of peace needs.

Ok, so you’re experienced… but what are your plans?

Like Mattoze stated in his article, the power (directly) of the President is limited in many fashions within this game. This may not be clear to many of you, because during a period of intense war the power of the President is increased due to the option and decisions he or she must make, but in times of peace that we are entering, such is the case.

Congress has control over the economy factors (including taxes) and thus we will leave it in their able hands. I have my own opinions about the economy and the production formula which you can read about in previous articles if you so like.

Still, my opinions will have little effect on our economy. Thus, I turn to the more important topics for us to understand.

Foreign Affairs/Military Goals

Personally, the two ideas are inseparable in my mind because of intricately they are tied together. If it weren’t for foreign affairs, military would be useless.

Goal #1 Allies

Help our allies for all of the help they have given the eUSA. Yesterday, multiple Indonesian RW’s were started and finished freeing from Indo many regions belonging to our allies, back into their rightful owners’ hands.

This is a trend I hope that we can continue, even against the mighty ogre Hungary with enough force dedicated to it. We need to become not only a national community but continue to develop our identity as an international community .

-Military, get ready to buy a whole lot of moving tickets.

Goal #2 Diplomacy

Diplomacy, diplomacy, diplomacy. Relationships are what matter within this game at all. I’m dedicated towards wooing neutral and even PEACE nations to joining EDEN. Without a doubt we will need to be cautious about this, but at the very least I want to continue to improve our image and gain more allies where there were once enemies.

It may be hard to see as possible, but without a doubt this is a practical step.

Goal #3 Join Eden

Seriously, why haven’t we? Perhaps when I look at the terms closer something will change my mind, but without a doubt we are practically already a piece of it, so let’s just simply make it official.

Goal #4 Military Expansion-New Player building

I think that, as a member of Seal Team 6, I have learned the importance of helping newer players gain levels. Such continued expansion of our experienced fighter base is important. Finding unique ways outside of direct wars (training wars, airborne operations) of getting newer players involved with serious battles is something that we will have to continue to pursue. This will be THE key in the eUSA continuing to grow into a superpower.

Without a doubt the military will always be the biggest budget item if I have anything to do with it (which I don’t, congress does). Even in a time of peace there are allies to help and things we can do to continue to boost ourselves so that we catch up to Hungary in terms of strength. That is absolute goal number one for the military.

On Domestic Affairs…

I could touch on many things, but to save your time, I will simply touch on the currently most important thing-New Player Mentorship

A definite need and goal of mine is to get new players involved by getting them involved within the community. Domestically, this is priority number one. This can be done through involvement in the New Player Mentorship program, Political Parties, Meals On Wheels, and the eUSA forum.

Without a doubt, the sense of community is THE most important thing to this game. We will delve into ways of attracting people to join the game within the eUSA as our term continues.

There are, without a doubt, more issues that I can touch and am more than willing to discuss if any of you have questions (leave a comment if you have such a question). However, I personally have a hard time reading through such long articles! So that being said…

VOTE Mattoze5 and Aren Perry for POTUS!

Mattoze5 and myself have been planning this for a long time. We have great plans for the United States! I shied away from running for President in September due to the threat of war and with all honesty my lack of experience within higher echelons of military positions.

We are the candidates that knows what eUSA needs in peacetime. That time has come!

So I believe the time is right for Mattoze5 and Aren Perry for POTUS. The time is right. And we need YOU to make it happen! We promise to guide this great nation we call our home towards more greatness.

A future without invasions, a future in which our power SHINES through not JUST in military might but in diplomacy and domestic policies that are clear-cut, no nonsense, and most of all bi-partisan.

We need a united eUSA! That has always, always been the biggest struggle during times of peace. We begin to bicker, complain, and get nothing accomplished. I’ve been there, it’s a humongous problem-and Mattoze and I KNOW how to get it done.

Proudly am running alongside of Mattoze5,

Aren Perry,
A Citizen of the eUnited States

I'm excited about the possibilites, are YOU? Vote Matt and Aren for November!