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Greatness with a side of sexy

The UK Military

32 Day 827, 22:05 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

Seriously guys. If your mobile forces can't out damage Ireland, a country 1/8th the size of you, with less tanks, and less money, you know there is a problem.

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Why we should invade eMexico...

10 Day 826, 23:17 Published in USA USA

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Ireland, America loves you! :D

31 Day 826, 14:24 Published in Ireland Ireland

The citizens of the eUS stand by you in your fight against the English and to keep Northern Ireland (Ulster) Irish

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Inner Workings EDEN/PHOENIX Alliances In a few Sentences

6 Day 824, 14:37 Published in USA USA


Alliance demands all members support whenever the fack they want to, and if anyone fails to comply, Phoenix command shoves an almighty boot up their … read more »

Why don't we stop bitching about import taxes...

8 Day 824, 00:25 Published in USA USA

And move to facking Poland. And fight in the crazy amount of RWs.

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