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Greatness with a side of sexy

Indonesia/Australian War explained...

16 Day 848, 21:08 Published in Australia Australia

....via Steve Irwin comics! 😃

Australia: Crickey! Look! Its an Indonesia!

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Bye USA, Hello Australia

17 Day 844, 23:13 Published in Australia Australia

Fresh off the retirement from the USA army and emergence into semi two clicking, I have decided to become an Australian for awhile. Why? Because Australia is f*cking awesome. Thats why.

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Brazil Unleashes the Bananapocalypse!

8 Day 841, 12:29 Published in USA USA

As you may know, Brazil has recently launch a massive and sneaky (if not underhanded) invasion of PTO'd South Africa. But why does Brazil feel inclined to take advantage of a neutral country such as South Africa? High diamonds? Self respect?

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Brazil Unleashes the Bananapocalypse!

58 Day 841, 12:23 Published in Australia Australia

As you may know, Brazil has recently launch a massive and sneaky (if not underhanded) invasion of PTO'd South Africa. But why does Brazil feel inclined to take advantage of a neutral country such as South Africa? High diamonds? Self respect?

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Argentinian War: Why Australia can't lose

16 Day 839, 07:37 Published in Australia Australia

Yep. Argentina has no chance. 4 reasons why they are screwe😛



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