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Greatness with a side of sexy

Poland is Unstoppable!

22 Day 856, 11:57 Published in Poland Poland

MPP's can't kill Poland, they just make him angry....

You won't like Poland when he's angry..

😃 Congrats guys! 😃

Epic wins against 6 MPP's, truly

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Should Australia Leave Eden with US/Join New Alliance?

56 Day 853, 15:44 Published in Australia Australia

If you haven't read this article by the American president, then do so.
also this less diplomatic article by former US president Josh Frost may help you to understand

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The Brolliance: Why Its Awesome

24 Day 850, 16:16 Published in USA USA

WARNING: This article is for brolliance eyes only 😮

Recently the eUS totally f*cked up big time militarily. They messed up Croatia’s epic land bridge to Asia. Pretty much all of Eden is angry at the US especially Poland and Croatia, and … read more »

The Brolliance: Why Its Awesome [Canada]

6 Day 850, 16:15 Published in Canada Canada

WARNING: This article is for brolliance eyes only 😮

Recently the eUS totally f*cked up big time militarily. They messed up Croatia’s epic land bridge to Asia. Pretty much all of Eden is angry at the US especially Poland and Croatia, and … read more »

The Brolliance: Why Its Awesome (Australia)

23 Day 850, 16:15 Published in Australia Australia

WARNING: This article is for brolliance eyes only 😮

Recently the eUS totally f*cked up big time militarily. They messed up Croatia’s epic land bridge to Asia. Pretty much all of Eden is angry at the US especially Poland and Croatia, and … read more »