The UK Military

Day 827, 22:05 Published in United Kingdom USA by Turd Fergusen

Seriously guys. If your mobile forces can't out damage Ireland, a country 1/8th the size of you, with less tanks, and less money, you know there is a problem.

Next time. Go cry to Serbia for help or something. XD

Here are some tips about how to improve you're military. I'm sure you'll find it useful!

1. Give out guns. Guns increase damage. (Seriously, do you guys use guns?)
2. Give out orders to your troops. 😛
3. Roll calls to check for activity.
4. Military companies. Produce your own weapons for free as well as actually using them?? OMG!
5. WTF is up with your Ranking system? Its f*cked up.
6. Navy is retarded. Also there are no naval battles in this game and never will. Go figure. 😛
7. Testicles. That is all.