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Greatness with a side of sexy

So I heard you liek cheating.

13 Day 808, 12:47 Published in Russia Russia

I know its so tempting. You know. Creating bots and using scripts, so that you can win imaginary battles in an online game. Just try to restrain yourselves … read more »

Finland: Officially the Most Badass Country in Erepublik

21 Day 807, 05:08 Published in Finland Finland

I meant to write this two days ago now, but bugs and admins try to bring me down. The truth must be revealed!
(Reprinted Censored Version, don't delete again plz, I use vocabulary that is used in Kindergarten for christs sake)


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Finland: Officially the Most Badass Country in Erepublik (USA)

2 Day 807, 05:05 Published in USA USA

I meant to write this two days ago now, but bugs and admins try to bring me down. The truth must be revealed!
(Reprinted Censored Version, don't delete again plz, I use vocabulary that is used in Kindergarten for christs sake)


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George Washington Stands Ready to Kick Redcoats Apart!

18 Day 803, 23:49 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

He'll Kick you apart
He'll save the children,
but not the british children
He'll save the children,
but not the british children



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lol Indonesia..

20 Day 796, 17:28 Published in Indonesia Indonesia

Bet this wasn't part of your "plan".

Oh Indonesia... now you know what it means to hit rock bottom XD

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