Ireland, America loves you! :D

Day 826, 14:24 Published in Ireland USA by Turd Fergusen

The citizens of the eUS stand by you in your fight against the English and to keep Northern Ireland (Ulster) Irish

Citizens from all over the US are coming to Ireland to fight for you. Also, someone correct me if I'm wrong, but the famous Seal Team 6 is also in Ireland.

Here's my personal gift of approximately 4200 damage for your cause 😃:
lol crappy screen shot sorry 😛

You may be wondering why I am so giddy about tanking for you guys, or why you should care. Well you don't have to care...but this is my first time tanking! 😃 This is just my ego talking. It feels great to tank for something you care about, and I care about the future of Ireland. More than most Americans for sure. You may recognize some lulz articles I've written specifically for Ireland in the past, ad I'm always scanning your media even if its unbearable boring 😛 Even back when I was a noob I took a keen interest in politics in Ireland.
Perhaps some of you may remember this lulzy article I wrote to Ireland when I was I wee noob which was met with both praise and a few "stfu noob" comments. Don't blame them XD

Well anyway enough about that sh*t and
Best of luck to you guys. Dont forget to...
