Inner Workings EDEN/PHOENIX Alliances In a few Sentences

Day 824, 14:37 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

Alliance demands all members support whenever the fack they want to, and if anyone fails to comply, Phoenix command shoves an almighty boot up their ass and berates them with an international article explaining how they suck at being allies.
see Iran


Slightly more complex than Phoenix.
A receiving country politely asks EDEN members to contribute to a certain battle. If the battle is lost, then the receiving country will bitch at all members with a population of 8000 plus (ex. USA/Spain), about how they weren't supported enough, and then threaten to leave EDEN. Propaganda articles will then be written by prominent douchebags of the recieving country about plans to join Phoenix, and ally with some country they have a RL "hard on" for, even though everyone knows these plans are seriously retarded and will never work. After about two months, EDEN command, trying to appease everyone, will change leadership slightly, and the receiving country, tired of bitching, and bored as hell, will forgive everyone, and go on being best bros with EDEN.
see..nah I'll leave this one up to your imagination


*I write this article not to offend any country. I write this because I feel it is important, and healthy to laugh at ourselves sometimes, and even though tensions are high, it is important to see the humor of the situation. Without "teh lulz" this game would totally suck. Also you have to admit both alliances can be totally ridiculous at times. 😃