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Greatness with a side of sexy

Kosovo is Serbia

16 Day 821, 17:46 Published in Serbia Serbia

There. Now will you stop hating on us?

Lets be friends. lol

This could be you

Nah just kidding. your too fun to fight. But my point is. This is just a game. Lets not

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We cool Romania?

13 Day 821, 16:56 Published in Romania Romania

Hey Romania.

So EDEN has been completely reorganized. It will now consist of a council of country leaders. This will give Romania more of a say in EDEN, and more support in their wars. It also sounds pretty know that we are ruled

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Want War?

19 Day 816, 10:32 Published in Ireland Ireland

So I heard you guys are looking for a good fight. But who will you attack?

No. they agreed to a land swap with Northern Ireland. They'll just retreat the region if you

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Russian Diplomacy

21 Day 812, 20:13 Published in China China

I understand your most recent president wished to reach out to Phoenix occupiers and engage in talks to possibly negotiate the return of … read more »

Heya Ireland...

21 Day 810, 09:17 Published in Ireland Ireland

Wanna see something p cool?

Reunite the Island anyone?? Come on Ireland, you know you want to...

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