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Good Try UK...

16 Day 871, 11:19 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

..but bot/multi PTO's are illegal.

So sayeth the Admin!

...and then the Admins said LET THERE BE FAIL!
and there was fail.

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Wouldn't it be funny if....

31 Day 869, 19:38 Published in United Kingdom United Kingdom

...the UK won a battle they actually earned? And not waited for their Penix masters to PTO a small country and have the president open up MPPs against them. Thats would be the day...

Yeah so have fun beating Norway, one of the weakest country

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Australia and SHIELD

9 Day 868, 21:46 Published in Australia Australia

This is a reprinting of Calbe's original article about SHIELD meant to get more media exposure for him.

Vote it up to Aussie top media. Aussies subscribe to Calbe,

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Bye Australia

18 Day 868, 12:42 Published in Australia Australia

Yep...I'm moving back to the US for awhile. I seems they need all the help they can get now that they dug themselves into this hole leaving Eden and all... I've been here for about a month now. Originally I planned to actually quit this game. I

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21 Day 858, 09:07 Published in South Africa South Africa

Hey South Africa.
Want in?

There is always room for some South African bros in our bromance.
Here a taste of what the Brolliance offers your country.
-Anti PTO squad

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