Brazil Unleashes the Bananapocalypse!

Day 841, 12:29 Published in USA USA by Turd Fergusen

As you may know, Brazil has recently launch a massive and sneaky (if not underhanded) invasion of PTO'd South Africa. But why does Brazil feel inclined to take advantage of a neutral country such as South Africa? High diamonds? Self respect? Perhaps. But I believe I have unraveled the truth behind the Brazilian menace.

Just take a look Brazilian president Junecaz's photo

Now take a closer look

Yes, the Brazilian president is in fact....a BANANA!

Now lets take a look at the South African PTO president Ronell

Look closer and you will see...

yes, the South African PTO president is also....A BANANA!

Now you may ask why should I care? Whats wrong with bananas? Well. See. South Africa and Africa in general is home to one of the world's largest populations of monkeys and Gorillas.
If you were a banana/evil dictator what would be your biggest fear to stand in the way of global conquest?

Primates! If the bananas natural enemies are wiped out, what then will stop them from continuing on to conquer the world?

You've heard it from me first. Brazil is ruled by an oligarchy of evil dictator bananas who wish to conquer Africa in order to exterminate their greatest enemies....monkeys and Gorillas! Then will conquer the world and enslave humans and force us into banana breeding labor camps, just like they did to Brazil! 😮

I'm sorry to say, that if this banana menace is not stopped now then this will be our fate:

In order to avoid this future we must all stand together and fight against this Brazana-ian menace!