Bye USA, Hello Australia

Day 844, 23:13 Published in Australia USA by Turd Fergusen

Fresh off the retirement from the USA army and emergence into semi two clicking, I have decided to become an Australian for awhile. Why? Because Australia is f*cking awesome. Thats why.

Also Australia is part of the brolliance, which if you don't know, is a bromance between the 3 countries USA, Canada, Australia.

Now what do I bring to the table? Well I'm a fairly high ranked and experienced player, I am fairly wealthy, and will self fund tank on occasion. Also I write propaganda, and will taunt your enemies until they cry.
Just take a look at some of these silly oldies:
Haha brits def crying there.

For my US subscribers, don't worry. I'll be back.

I'm not one of those fgts who leaves the US to throw a tantrum and thinks our government is so unfair and bawwww ect. I love the eUS and you will always be #1 in my heart. The US interests will always be my interests and if you decide to take a shot at Hello Kitty, I will fly back to the states faster than you can say Hun fail.

Also thanks whoever accepted my citizenship 🙂