Indonesia/Australian War explained...

Day 848, 21:08 Published in Australia USA by Turd Fergusen

....via Steve Irwin comics! 😃

Australia: Crickey! Look! Its an Indonesia!

Australia: Indonesias are fascinating creatures. Indonesias were once of the most dangerous species in the region. They once stretched from California to Western Soyberia, but have been driven to near extinction by USA who kills Indonesias for sport! Fascinating!

Australia: Alright...Now what I'm going to do is sneek up behind em....
Australia: ...and ram my thumb up its butthole! Cricky! That'll reaally piss em off!

Australia: Alright now let me just stick this in meah...

Indonesia: NOOOO!

Australia: Ah Crickey! That really pissed em off!

Now to be serious and attempt to come to the point of this silly article.
What is to be gained from attacking Indonesia? The only thing we have done is stuck our figurative "thumbs" up Indonesia’s figurative "buttholes". We haven't actually accomplished anything and now Indonesia’s is really pissed off, and will invade us sooner or later. We now have two fronts, South Africa is doomed to Brazilian control for the time being, and EDEN is laughing at us because nothing we have done in the past week makes any sense. Just like this article. All we are doing is wasting EDENs time and money.

Many have given the argument that EDEN needs to prove themselves to Australia because of the lack of support shown in the reconquest of South Africa. EDEN didn’t help us there either BECAUSE IT WAS STUPID. Not the idea, but the strategy behind it.
YOU DON’T INVADE AN ENEMY NON ORIGINAL REGION WITHOUT STARTING A RW! The argument that “ooh Australia doesn’t have enough money to be starting RWs" is bull. Why did we invade Indo then??

In conclusion, if Australia is to gain respect from EDEN and the world, then we must start using our head, not out “thumbs”

(if someone knows the true reason we attacked Indonesia, is willing to tell me, and I find it reasonable, then I will quit complaining.)