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Everyone's Favorite Misfits

49 Day 468, 08:14 Published in South Africa South Africa

It's that time of the month again my dear boys & girls.Time to bicker,accuse,mudsling and generally make a total ass of yourself.Whoop-tee-effin-doo.
I wasn't planning on writing any article(perhaps another endorsement before the elections) but

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Give Jizz a Chance!!!

3 Day 465, 04:12 Published in South Africa South Africa

You all heard about the slogans in the 60s:"Give peace a chance!" and all that blah blah,then came the sarcastic people who said "Give piss a chance too!".And that's all fine and dandy;but I say: GIVE JIZZ A CHANCE!
In case you haven't already

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Why bother?

9 Day 460, 04:50 Published in South Africa South Africa

I know I know,I'm big on rethorical questions.
Now,gather around kids,I've got something new for you boys and girls today.It's time,I
think,to talk about some of our esteemed ministers,don't you?

1.Ministry of Minerals and Energy.


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Is It Right?

20 Day 456, 03:47 Published in South Africa South Africa

Well,depends on which side of the fence you're on...
From the side I'm on,I have to say,something doesn't seem quite right about current eSouth Africa.Something is truly askeeeew(Lewis Black reference).

1.Military Economy for Dummies(me,

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Shoot Dagari!

33 Day 449, 13:19 Published in South Africa South Africa

Before I start what I believe to be a pretty long article,allow me to clear something up:
This is article is not about BLF of FA.It is my personal opinion on things that have happened recently both in our media and on the forum.I can

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