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All hail!

23 Day 447, 06:35 Published in Switzerland Switzerland

The almighty God of the Theocracks has come to Switzerland!
Beware the almighty power of meatballs and spaghetti.
So let's focus a bit on the representatives that the almighty Deity:
First off, we have the wanna-be-Dio-because-I'm-not-imaginative

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Mesiah and Hero Given Proper Recognition

19 Day 435, 00:36 Published in South Africa South Africa

eSouth Africa is once again in trouble,as the bulk of the eCroatians and the Theocrackers have left.This is indeed a very serious matter,as the natives of eS.A are surely in no position to rule their own country...I mean,they couldn't

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The forum of eSouth-Africa 101

0 Day 418, 13:52 Published in South Africa South Africa

The fact that the forum is advertised by more people has lead to a slow but steady increase of the forum population.And that's fine and dandy.But like everything in our small country it's still not right🙂.Because as I said,there are about 15 new

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The eS.A Media!!!

12 Day 416, 04:04 Published in South Africa South Africa

First off I'm not saying all the media is bad here,just that I'm getting a bit sick and tired of the latest news being f*C3% up by advertisements.Out of the last 10 articles published in eS.A 7 either advertise something or inform us that "X

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P.E.S and P.M.S

7 Day 412, 10:44 Published in South Africa South Africa

Well it's that time of the month again people.Time to elect our representative for the next month.Hopefully this will bring about a change for the better.Before you jump to conclusions,I won't recommend any of the candidates during this article I

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