Everyone's Favorite Misfits

Day 468, 08:14 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

It's that time of the month again my dear boys & girls.Time to bicker,accuse,mudsling and generally make a total ass of yourself.Whoop-tee-effin-doo.
I wasn't planning on writing any article(perhaps another endorsement before the elections) but after reading a comment made by our mighty Minister of Safety and Security I decided it was time for the Tramp to make a stand.
A stand against what you may wonder.And a fine question it is.
Here's what I have to say:

1.The people should know

The fact that a well-know,I dare say infamous by now, take-over group is slowly making it's way to our country just before elections,is something the public has a right to know.Especially seeing as they had tried to place a member of theirs in our ranks before(Principe Konrad anyone?).
And our Minister's response that we should not go public about this issue is a bit contradictory to the position he took regarding Ryan Dagari,of whom he asked for as much transparency as possible.

2.Connecting to the Theocrats?

Our fine Minister also states that the Theocrats might be coming to the e.S.A in order to produce weapons and that us attacking them from the get-go is something that will ruin a potential connection.
I ask this as a citizens who has seen what the Theocrats can do:Why would we want to be associated with them?How would an association with a take-over group supported by the eItalian government benefit our image in foreign eyes.Would anyone dare propose any kind of trade agreement to the eSwiss(granted they recover their country,which I hope happens soon enough) while working with their enemies?
Besides,I believe it is against the very Constitution of eSouth Africa to associate with the Theocrats?I give you the exact article:

i. The government and people of South Africa recognize that the Theocrats are a terrorist group and banned from operating within South Africa. Anyone found collaborating with them will be tried for treason.

So should be worried about where your alliances are Mr. Black8Shadow?I would tend to believe that it is not the case,as you have witnessed a Theocratic reign yourself,but if you further maintain your position in this matter,I will be forced to ask for a trial against you.And I assure you that I will do my best to offer you a fair trial(unlike one I don't wish to speak about).

3."The Bigger Picture"

Somehow,I'm sure that this will come up during the argument that will follow.
The bigger picture,dear boys and girls, is that we are faced with a threat(be it minor or major) and whether we defecate in our pants upon hearing the word "theocrat" I believe it is every citizen's right to decide if they do so or not.Rather than not defecate because he or she doesn't know about a possibly critical situation.

And by the way Mr. Black I don't think that calling anyone a,and I quote, "dumb-ass" in public is the right way to go about anything.You could simply resort to stating your ideas in a civilized and calm manner,rather than insulting people.

Yours truly,

P.S:This article really isn't about getting votes or hogging the media,it is about informing people.And any attempt to discredit the paper on these grounds will be ignored.