Is It Right?

Day 456, 03:47 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

Well,depends on which side of the fence you're on...
From the side I'm on,I have to say,something doesn't seem quite right about current eSouth Africa.Something is truly askeeeew(Lewis Black reference).

1.Military Economy for Dummies(me,namely)

Now,with the increase of new citizens in our country and the wide array of wars to choose from,the military is slowly but surely becoming a vital part of our country.Our President Erdwurm,however,doesn't seem to notice this problem.
That's no problem,I'll just point it out.Here it is.We,the military arm of the country need funding,not tons and tons of cash,but for God's sake,give us something to work with.
But I'm getting off-base with this,so let's all get back to the economic side of this problem.

There have been discussions on the forum( just in case), about potentially getting Moving/Weapons Companies to help with the logistic side of our army.Engels Enterprise and Shadow Corporation have been suggested.Our elected president dismissed these two in a flash,saying that Bakgat Corp. is more than enough to provide for our soldiers.

I,however,beg to differ.Here's my report on the activity of Bakgat Corporation:
-Stormer's Air:This company is supposed to provide our army with moving tickets.So you'd expect them to be well supplied and have a mother-load of employees.There's no need for that apparently,1 active employee is more than enough.Or so they would have you believe.
-Bakgat Gifts:This is the company that will provide our troops with gifts on the battlefield.Yeah,1gift per day is enough,isn't it?They also have 1 active employee.
The other two companies in the said corporation are irrelevant for this article,but they're also severely understaffed.
Now I'm not saying that Compmage is an incompetent manager,I'm saying he's somewhat lacking in entrepreneurial spirit.

My personal opinion is that Bakgat Corp. has had it's chance and proved quite inefficient.So I say it's time for a change.Why not give Engels Enterprises or Shadow Corporation a chance to prove they're power.Both are wonderfully staffed and seem to have the interest of the people at heart.

2. Personal vendettas are affecting the country's image

I hate to bring this up again,but I'm afraid that I cannot accept the current state of internal affairs in our fair land.I don't plan on going through the whole argument again.Just the ending(which doesn't seem to be as final as most would want it to be.
Don't get me wrong,I don't think that the way Ryan Dagari handled the problem was right.I don't.I'm pretty disappointed with his statements in the media,but it's his right.The president however has just as much a fault as Mr. Dagari in this issue.
I believe it is disturbing that the President didn't see fit to apologize to the people.Why would he you ask?Well I can see a few reasons.
1.Taylor Sawyer was his responsability and his defection to the Theocrats is his fault as well.
2.How about apologizing to the people for abusing the Constitution in order to stage a hoax-trial?
3.Lastly,he should at least admit to the Cabinet that his planning of Taylor Sawyer's infiltration was defectuous at least.

3.Questions That Need To be Asked

I will be making this a permanent section of my newspaper,as there always seem to be annoying questions that are conveniently ignored.
1.What is the Presidency going to do about the large number of citizens joining the army and asking for government help?
2.Why is the Presidency refusing to give funding to Engles Enterprises and Shadow Corporation?