Why bother?

Day 460, 04:50 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

I know I know,I'm big on rethorical questions.
Now,gather around kids,I've got something new for you boys and girls today.It's time,I
think,to talk about some of our esteemed ministers,don't you?

1.Ministry of Minerals and Energy.

I'm sure the description for this ministry is posted somewhere around the forum (http://z13.invisionfree.com/eSouthAfrica/index.php?showforum=10)
And I know that our minister is our very own Diamond/Gifts Tycoon Balon Swann.Other than that,this ministry has had absolutely no activity as far
as I know.
There is an upside to this,however, they never asked for any money,so the ministry is quite harmless.Useless too.
I would like to remind everyone that this ministry has been around since the Browski administration,yet there has been no activity from their side

2.Ministry of Education.

Ok kids,let's focus on Education,since our president didn't.Now this ministry has been around for a while.Former ministers Browski and Erdwurm did
a pretty good job getting everything organized and all.Now,under the Erdwurm administration,things have grinded to a halt,as far as the minister is
I'd like to take this opportunity to let Davewa know of his appointing to this position,just in case.It's been half a term after all.Wouldn't it be
normal to let the media know of your plans for this sector of the governemnt.I think education is somewhat important.Contacting the professors would
have also been nice.

3.Ministry of Foreign Affaris.

Isn't it nice that we reached this point?All I have to do is say MoFA,Taylor.
Everyone smiles politely,cusses at him and we can be on our merry way.

4.Questions that need to be asked.

a.What is Balon Swann's role in the current administration?
b.Has davewa done something for the current administration that the general public is not aware of?