Shoot Dagari!

Day 449, 13:19 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

Before I start what I believe to be a pretty long article,allow me to clear something up:
This is article is not about BLF of FA.It is my personal opinion on things that have happened recently both in our media and on the forum.I can make no claims to being objective,due to the fact that some things said and done today have impressed me,and not in a good way.

Case no. 1

Earlier today,I noticed that Ryan Dagari was charged with treason.The reason,as everyone knows by now is treason.Against who you might ask.And a righteous question it is,there are a limited amount of people who Ryan could betray directly,just one actually:Erdwurm.Whose presidency Mr. Dagari had apparently tried to overthrow.
You may ask "How?".And you would be asking quite a reasonable question too.The answer is as simple as the question really: By reporting the elected president to the admins for having more than one account.
So,according to the accusations, Ryan Dagari was guilty of conspiring to overthrow the elected president of eSouth Africa, by reporting him to the admins for having multiple accounts.
Now,this looks good on paper but don't get ahead of me people,because this accusation has more holes in it than Swiss Cheese.
First of all,reporting a player that you suspect of having multis,is not only a right that any player has,but also a duty.And Ryan Dagari happened to suspect Mr. Erdwurm; unfortunately for poor Ryan,Erdwurm is president and according to our very own constitution the president is much similar to the state,meaning that if you try to pull any rabbits out of your hat you'll be in trouble.Serious trouble.
Now I'm not arguing that overthrowing the president is a punishable offense.But reporting a player/the president for multies is not an attempt to overthrow the presidency,it's an attempt to stop cheating.

What is this all about?

There are some things that are not quite right about this whole situations,and a number of problems emerged since this ugly business has started.
Don't get me wrong though,Dagari is no saint; his report may have some personal taint on it,no doubt about that;but I'm sure that this is not an attempt to undermine the presidency,a more likely scenario is that Ryan holds some kind of grudge against Erdwurm/Taylor,so he kept a close eye on them.At the first suspicion of rule-breaking Ryan Dagari went and reported multi-accounts.
This is,at best, a personal conflict between the two/three mentioned.Not a reason for a trial.
One must ask himself,however,what the hell is happening here?And one may ask himself why Erdwurm and Taylor were so hellbent on going through with the accusation,despite serious opposition from a number of people?
This really seems like an attempt,from Erdwurm to strengthen his position as president.It may be a subtle way of warning people that opposing the president is quite dangerous and if this is the case,then people like this might want to choose better means of accomplishing this goal.

Questions that need to be asked.Again...

The first question is for Taylor,it has not been asked before,but I am sure it passed through a few minds.
1.How was sending Keanu Stryker as ambassador to eIran a good idea?
2.Why are Erdwurm and Taylor trying to limit Ryan Dagari's acces to some sections of the forum?
3.Why did Erdwurm and Taylor elegantly ignore a large number of complaints regarding the legality of the trial?
4.Should any of us be worried regarding certain authoritarian decisions of Erdwurm and Taylor?

There are other issues that needed to be brought up here,but honestly,it was sickening enough to write this much.