Give Jizz a Chance!!!

Day 465, 04:12 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

You all heard about the slogans in the 60s:"Give peace a chance!" and all that blah blah,then came the sarcastic people who said "Give piss a chance too!".And that's all fine and dandy;but I say: GIVE JIZZ A CHANCE!
In case you haven't already realized,this is the Tramp's endorsement of Mr.Jizzibald McGuire for the upcoming presidential elections.So let's get down to business,shall we?
After 4 months of FA presidents I think we have all formed some kind of opinion about the FA and the Presidents they have given us.Whether your opinion is favorable or not I don't know,but you have to admit;4 terms is a pretty long time,at least for a democratic country.Political diversity is something to look forward to.
This is what a Jizzibald McGuire administration will have to offer:
-A new approach to old matters that have yet to be resolved.
-A change of pace in the way things are run.
-A new approach in the Public Relations sector.
-A more diversified political scene.
After all,the motto of our country is United in Diversity and I am sure that a Jizzie administration will offer the people just that.

What I am really trying to recommend is that people think and vote for themselves,without following party guidelines and rhetoric.Look beyond the political color of the candidate,vote freely.That's what I have done,this is the conclusion I have reached.

As a side-note,I have been accused of "not being man enough to post with my citizen name" and I feel the need to answer,so here it is:
I am not hiding behind an org. my citizen name is Siroe and I don't believe I have to explain the reasons for my posting articles from my org.Feel free to speculate on these reasons,I'm sure you can come up with something really sinister.