P.E.S and P.M.S

Day 412, 10:44 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

Well it's that time of the month again people.Time to elect our representative for the next month.Hopefully this will bring about a change for the better.Before you jump to conclusions,I won't recommend any of the candidates during this article I will merely express a personal opinion on our four candidates.My purpose therefore is to attempt to entertain,not to educate.Theese are extremly short descriptions of each candidate.
But before I move on to our candidates I think I should explain at least one of the terms I used in the title,P.E.S is short for Pre Election Stress.The reason I associate it with the other type of stress is because on a more abstract level they are very alike.For instance both involve mood swings,somewhat random but nonetheless violent outbreaks towards others,a lot of interpretations or misinterpretations of other's opinions.Also both of them involve bloodshed.
Moving on to the candidates:

First off we have Hireshmont Vellos,acting Minister of Finance,administrator of the RBSA and teacher at the eUNISA(obviously teaches economy),who is an active player both in-game and forumwise.He is if I may say so a skilled economist and quite a sociable character.Also he writes
incredibly long articles,mostly about *drum-roll* THE ECONOMY *confetti falls from the ceiling*.He is the owner of "The People's Economics"newspaper(I think we can all guess what is the main focus of the paper),however this publication has been merged with "Independence Media"
co-owned by Brendan e Austerion.He is also responsible for posting the economic activities of the RBSA in the Reserve Bank Report.I think we can all guess what the main gocus of Hiresh's platform is right?🙂
The second candidate is Browski,acting Minister of Education,he has been described as being "more active than a monkey on steroids"(props to Ryan Dagari for this quote).Most would agree to this plastic description of the man,as he has been an hyperactive both on the forum and
in-game.He is the owner and editor of the Balding Times,one of the few sources of entertainment in eS.A(apart from the theocratic attempt at English grammar and Rhood's lashing-outs).He is an active promoter of the official forum of eSouth Africa (http://z13.invisionfree.com/eSouthAfrica/index.php?act=idx just in case you were wondering where it was).As for this candidate's platform,well he has chosen a more offensive outlook on the future,promising to make the recovery of our territories his top priority.
Our third candidate is Rhood,he has no official position in the current eSouth African administration and seems quite upset about it,he is the editor of the Red Flame and tends to act like a child when he doesn't get what he wants.Also,there are unconfirmed rumors that he is
paranoid.While his intentions may be good,he has a way of proving his points that doesn't make him the most sociable person in eRep.
Finally,last but not least: ql96lp,I'm sorry to say but I don't know jack about him🙂.Except for the fact that he is a member of the Proud African's party,nothing,absolutely nooothing.

As a famous little piggy would say: D-d-d-d-dat's all folks!