The eS.A Media!!!

Day 416, 04:04 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

First off I'm not saying all the media is bad here,just that I'm getting a bit sick and tired of the latest news being f*C3% up by advertisements.Out of the last 10 articles published in eS.A 7 either advertise something or inform us that "X need Y" "A is hiring" "eTurkey offers you the possibility to whatever(now how did that happen?)".
People!That's why he have the ADVERTISEMENTS section on the forum ( by the way).However,if you feel such a desperate need to use your newspaper to sell your products hire your workers and all that,why not form a COMMON paper that can post all the offers and requests on a daily basis?
As my last article intended to entertain I'll try to inform and educate this time.I found a very useful article by Took Lowind some time ago which I believe to be quite helpful.

The Ten Commandments for eRepublik Journalists

In eRepublik, nearly everyone aspires to be that next big writer. They want to be the person that everyone goes to for their news. Journalism is one of the best ways to be known in this game, and everyone wants to be known. Unfortunately, not everyone can be that effective of a writer, or they do not simply know the keys to be a respected journalist. These commandments can help the most polished or the least polished writers be a little bit of a better writer.

Commandment 1: Thou Shall Not Spam.

If you want to be a failure of a journalist that no one respects, than do this. This will get you noticed, but not in a good way. Spamming is posting many articles in a short amount of time. This is annoying for two reasons. First, it bumps other articles off the page. Second, no one wants to read your opinions over and over again. I realize that some people do not realize that posting many articles effect other people. Well, it does. As a rule of thumb, only release an article once every twelve hours. Some people believe that you should only make one article a day; it just depends on who you talk to.

Commandment 2: Thou Shall Be Relevant

A very important aspect of writing is being relevant to the game. A lot of articles I encounter tend to be focused on real life issues. Leave your real life political opinions in the real world if you are making a political article. A "McCain is Hack" or an "Obama is a Secret Scientologist" article is not relevant to this game. Generally, only write about the game. Of course, I do not take issue with the occasional poetry or short story. It is rather refreshing to see those things.

Commandment 3: Thou Shall Use Proper Grammar

This is really important to have if you want to be taken seriously. You do not have to use perfect grammar (I know I don't) but you at least need to make your article look respectable. It doesn't matter if your content is the greatest content in the world, if you don't show some basic English (limba romana, semne de punctuatie, si NU scrieti ca pe mess) skills, you will not be taken seriously.

Commandment 4: Thou Shall Know Stuff

Generally, don't write about a topic if you have no experience with it. A lot of people wrote articles about how they were embarrassed that Canada controls Michigan, and that we really need to work hard to fight the USCAN war. That's all fine and dandy, but that war ended months ago. It makes you look foolish if you don't know what in the hell you are talking about. I know V1 will put restrictions of the ability of new people to write, but even if you can write, you need to at least be one-hundred percent sure you know what you are talking about.

Commandment 5:Thou Shall Be Rational

Seriously, articles that say "ZOMG INVADE DEM MEXICOS" are just idiotic. Please know something about the situation of our country before you start spewing things. Generally, if you have an idea that you can't think of a single reason to support it, don't have it in one of your articles.

Commandment 6 Thou Shall Have Decent Sized Articles

Generally, write articles with at least 4 or 5 paragraphs. I'm actually guilty of breaking this commandment from time to time, but I feel like shorter articles are a waste of my readers time. A good article should have an intro, reasonings to back up your articles, some offensive statement (this is for the most part a joke) and a good conclusion. Usually 4 or 5 paragraphs will cover those benchmarks for a good article.

Commandment 7: Thou Shall Not Caps Lock Everything

Even though caps lock is cruise control for cool, it makes your articles look unprofessional and gives the reader the impression that you are yelling or shouting irrationally. I normally don't take Caps Lock articles seriously.

Commandment 8: Thou Shall Read the Media

A good journalist learns from reading other good journalists. You'll pick up ideas from other writers and you'll be able to strengthen your own ideas through other journalists works.Becoming informed, finding common ground, developing a style;this is what reading the media will do for you.

Commandment 9: Thou Shall Not Have Walls of Text

They are really hard to read, and pretty annoying. Most people will just give up on reading them. Just space for me, please.

Commandment 10: Thou Shall Subscribe to The Lowind Press

I needed to get to 10 commandments.

This is the article.Also I heard that Took Lowind has become active once again so here's the link to his paper
That's all I have for today.See you all on the forum.

As suggested by Kogarashi Hazuki I decided to add a different 10th commandment:
"Thou shall not republish other people article in the same country or without asking permission from original author beforehand."(So cross-country republishing is ok😃)