All hail!

Day 447, 06:35 Published in Switzerland Romania by ZironiaInc

The almighty God of the Theocracks has come to Switzerland!
Beware the almighty power of meatballs and spaghetti.
So let's focus a bit on the representatives that the almighty Deity:
First off, we have the wanna-be-Dio-because-I'm-not-imaginative -enough-to-come-up-with-my-own-character people like dio akira and dio maskas.Truly a group to be respected and looked up to.I mean wouldn't you look up to people slightly less than average?Some mean people would say almost dyslexic-illiterate-#$#@%!heads.
On the other hand,do you remember the movie Finding Nemo?Didn't you think that there was something not-quite-right with that fish?He seemed a bit off...You get the picture I guess...
What I am trying to say is, that the Theocracks are a force to be taken seriously,again you can take them with a grain of salt...

Nemo,I'm sorry but I have to ask, did you use all the ZAR you stole to buy a social life?If you did I won't hold it against you,you really seem to need it mate.
Cheers.And If our Theocrack friends have trouble reading the whole article(I know I know,it might be a bit too long for them), I'll be more than happy to provide them with a Theocraked translation,which will include the total ignoring of grammar rules and the use of terms that would seem simple even to a five year old.