The forum of eSouth-Africa 101

Day 418, 13:52 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

The fact that the forum is advertised by more people has lead to a slow but steady increase of the forum population.And that's fine and dandy.But like everything in our small country it's still not right🙂.Because as I said,there are about 15 new members on the forum.Of these maybe 4 have actualy said something here.
So I'll break down the basics of using the forum.Just for you.

First off here's the link:
Now,with this out of our way,I suppose you DO know how to create an account...if you don't know how to make one then maybe you're not supposed to use the computer after all.I mean come on...even our theocrat friends actually managed to make accounts.
Now,where were we?Oh yes!You have an account on the forum(it's recommended but not mandatory that your in-game name matches the forum name) and you're splashing around.Now here's the tricky part grab a pen if you think you'll have difficulties with the next part:click on one of the sections.You did?Good on you friend.You didn't?Go back to the part after the making of the account,you might have missed a step.Now you're in this section,say Pretoria Arch for example.You'll notice something there called Topic Title,sharpen up kids here's where it gets interesting.If you're really perceptive you'll notice something under that.Those are the topics discussed in that section kids.Now you might see the next thing coming,click on one of them!!Yes!!That's it!You made it!You're there...that's where the magic happens.Now I know that this
part might present you with a lot of buttons,but for now read the things there,look really hard for the post reply button(I know you have it in you!!you're so close) and if you have something to say go ahead.We won't bite.We're all,for the bulk part, friendly people.
See?Was that hard?I'd think not.You'll get the hang of it soon,just keep practicing.
Now,if you really want to show us that you really are one of the sharpest knives in the drawer,you can start a new topic.Yes my little friends,your very own topic.I know it might seem too much at once for you,but I assure you it's not.So after reading the descriptions of the sections,choose one that you like and go there.Then look for the "NEW TOPIC" button.Click it!See?You're getting good at this.Now all you have to do is give a title to the topic(go for something catchy if you can) and write the initial post.And if you really want to blow our socks off,give a description to your topic.That's always good with the crowds.
Well that's about it.I hope you got it.Because if you didn't,there's something seriously wrong with you.

D-d-d-dat's all folks!