Mesiah and Hero Given Proper Recognition

Day 435, 00:36 Published in South Africa Romania by ZironiaInc

eSouth Africa is once again in trouble,as the bulk of the eCroatians and the Theocrackers have left.This is indeed a very serious matter,as the natives of eS.A are surely in no position to rule their own country...I mean,they couldn't appreciate all the good the zockysts did(helping one company building defense systems) and they sure as hell didn't realize the grandeur of the Theocrat's plan for this small nation.
There is however hope for us yet,as eleven days ago, a messenger returned to get us out of the mud we were bathing in and if you haven't guessed who I am talking about I'll make it clear to you right now,I'm talking about Stryker...Keanu Stryker.
I strongly believe that he has been heavily underrated by all of us,now I don't want to be one to divulge such important information in the newspaper,but after watching his activity both in-game and on the forum,I have come to the conclusion that Mr. Stryker is God's Right Hand.Following Keanu's philosophy I will not give any details about this finding, nor will I answer any questions regarding this matter,regardless of how many people ask.
Here is a list of things that Keanu Stryker would have accomplished were it not for the intervention of the Devil's little helpers(*hint*Ryan-Dagari-Taylor-Sawyer *hint😉:
-Father of our Constitution: In fact he had already written it when it was stole by R.D., who later gave it to T.S. so that he could gain some undeserved recognition.Shame on both of you!!!!
-Savior of our economy: During the Croatian occupation he was close to saving everyone by miraculously turning the defense system he was building into food and gifts for everyone,again his plan was thwarted by the evil SAIL.
-Rightful ruler of eSouth Africa: he is the founder of the Stryker dynasty,which is destined to rule eS.A for all eternity,however the Devil's agents are many and this project seems to have faded.

But that's enough for the past,He is back!!!And again he is willing to save us all.He comes as a purification,as a bright flame that will instill fear in the hearts of those who dared oppose him in the past.People! Look beyond his bovine gaze and his poor grammar,you will see the Pearly Gates if you look deep enough.
I believe it is our duty to build a temple in which we can properly give praise to his name.