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Pheonix Losing Ground Fast

16 Day 756, 15:18 Published in USA USA

As the current World War spirals even further out of control and into insane complexity, we begin to see the EDEN aggression making some serious headway. Pheonix bust be a little worried about these advances being so successful, and coming close to

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EDEN Offensive Heats Up.

10 Day 755, 13:42 Published in USA USA

EDEN forces have began ratcheting up their pressure on Pheonix after the Japanese ultimatum was refused by Hungary yesterday. As a result, the region of Kyushu was retreated to the eUS, a free war was given to us against China, and we are currently

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The War is About to Flip Out.

10 Day 754, 13:01 Published in USA USA

A few minutes ago the insane complexity of this war was revealed. Poland is now declaring war on Germany, Brazil, after taking a bordering region from South Africa, is declaring war on Australia, and Russia is voting to declare war on China. This,

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Admins Are Embarrassed

4 Day 753, 12:01 Published in USA USA

I just noticed that the latest "Insider" article about the new training system was taken down by the Admins. You guys a little embarrassed by your idea's poor reception? I guess that 500 pages of signatures on the open letter in the forums,

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Give the Admins a Round of Applause!

8 Day 752, 14:53 Published in USA USA

The top 5 international articles, and most top 5 national articles, are about the recent epic-failure by the admins in the new training system. the open letter to remove this feature [url=

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