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Veni, Vidi, Vici

4 Day 742, 18:13 Published in Iran Iran

We came. We saw.">We Conquered!

Congrats ST6 and all of our friends on yet another outstanding victory against imperialism!

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Veni, Vidi, Vici

7 Day 742, 17:55 Published in USA USA

We came. We saw.">We Conquered!

Congrats ST6 and all our friends on yet another outstanding victory against imperialism!

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Harvad University

20 Day 740, 19:31 Published in USA USA

I pissed off some chan group that PTO'd Venezuela, so they started this forum thread. I have so far gotten 2 application messages, and am here to

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Parter Banned

1 Day 740, 07:24 Published in USA USA

Permanently. Look here yourself. I guess his parents were admins, and still angry over him selling his house 🙂

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This is Pretty Cool

4 Day 739, 17:38 Published in USA USA

After some fantastic wins in Croatia against Serbgary, we have some more happy news before we all go to sleep tonight.

First, Malaysia grows a pair and begins retaking their regions by

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