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Personal Bankroll Training!

1 Day 752, 10:32 Published in USA USA

Today, we have woken up to personal trainers, which, for a modest 5 gold, will give you 200% your normal training experience! Sounds good right? If you have deep enough RL pockets, then you can go ahead and make yourself the tank to end all tanks,

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India has fun, I need workers.

3 Day 749, 17:03 Published in USA USA

India has decided to grow a pair and beat up Iran for a while. I say this is long overdue, and I am glad that eIndia has decided to make an attempt to reclaim what is rightfully theirs. It

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India is Cool

4 Day 748, 14:38 Published in USA USA

If they pass this. Our little escapade in Asia may just get that much more fun. India, if you go ahead with this, all I can say is, welcome to the fun 🙂 PHEONIX, I would suggest packing your

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Oh Hai Japan!

2 Day 747, 18:02 Published in USA USA

We'll be seeing you bright and early in the morning tomorrow! For those of you who want a short summary of what this means, here it is: Ex-PEACE in Asia is completely screwed, and this will be and … read more »

Meet the New PEACE, Same as the Old PEACE

7 Day 745, 13:52 Published in USA USA

That's right folks, PEACE GC has officially chosen its new name, PHEONIX. From what I can gather it is the exact same alliance as PEACE, just without France. I guess

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