Admins Are Embarrassed

Day 753, 12:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

I just noticed that the latest "Insider" article about the new training system was taken down by the Admins. You guys a little embarrassed by your idea's poor reception? I guess that 500 pages of signatures on the open letter in the forums, along with the top 5 articles international and in most countries, really shoved you guys off your high horses. Now all we have to do is get you guys to realize that taking away the article proclaiming this fail training system does not rectify the situation. If you would please, take down the new training feature, we don't really care about the article that much 🙂

Good job everyone, we pressured them on this one, and we showed them who's boss when push comes to shove! Keep up the rage until the feature is removed. We can win this if we stay united!