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EDEN Epic Win

18 Day 761, 18:47 Published in USA USA

eUS/EDEN tore down a 900k wall in less than 45 minutes, ending the battle -300k in the underground. Our citizens are vicious. Our tanks are … read more »

Liaoning Has Begun

15 Day 761, 09:01 Published in USA USA

The first of the three long-awaited battles in East Asia has started. Everybody is to fight in Liaoning! Last night when the battle started, we took the wall down to 0 in about 40 minutes, an

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Phoenix FAILMAX #1

15 Day 760, 06:51 Published in USA USA

Phoenix is a very new alliance, and as a result, they have not ha much of a chance to screw things up. Well, as it turns out, they mad their first royal screw-up...

I was taking a look at recent battles in the war, and I saw that we had moved up

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Eden, Pheonix Eye The Situation

12 Day 759, 16:11 Published in USA USA

The World war has slowed down considerably today, with only one battle being fought as a conquest battle. Both sides are taking a minute to look at the current situation and decide where to go from here.

In East Asia the eUS must decide their

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EDEN Offensive Slows Down

8 Day 758, 15:25 Published in USA USA

In the last two days, the war has been much cooler than it has been for most of this last week. the eUS has stopped trudging through Asia after pushing Indonesia out of China, and the offensives against Turkey and Germany have pretty much stopped.

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