EDEN Offensive Heats Up.

Day 755, 13:42 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

EDEN forces have began ratcheting up their pressure on Pheonix after the Japanese ultimatum was refused by Hungary yesterday. As a result, the region of Kyushu was retreated to the eUS, a free war was given to us against China, and we are currently beating the crap out of the Indonesians in Fujian. After taking out the other bordering Chinese region held by Indonesia, we will probably be making land swaps up to reach Hello Kitty and Laionang, two crucial points for Pheonix.

Meanwhile, Brazil has declared war on Australia, who, since the rest of EDEN is busy fighting elsewhere, is vulnerable to the Brazilian offensive. Thankfully, Spain is providing a block against any Brazilian attacks on Australia, which will help out for the time being. Brazil continues to swallow up more of South Africa, which could come back to bite them should the Aussies decide to use their new free war to try to free South Africa from Indonesian/Brazilian control.

Back in Europe, Romania finally got a break to open an attack against Turkey. This is part of a journey through Turkey in hopes of getting to Iranian held regions of India. If they can do this successfully, they will most likely be able to push Iran completely out of India, giving them near-complete independence. However, with most of Pheonix against them, Romania is going to have a tough time getting through Turkey to make it to Iran, making this the most difficult part of the campaign.

To the North, Poland has begun an offensive into Germany. The three opened battles look like definite wins for the Poles, however a new MPP with Hungary on Germany's side may make further advancement into German territory a little more difficult.

Greece continues to maintain initiative against Turkey in Marmara, although these battles are not likely to serve any purpose other than blocking the Turks. the eUK has since attacked Flanders, Belgium, in an attempt to suck up 2-clicker damage from more important battles. Finally, Russia has declared war on China, and will most likely use this to try to slow the eUS advancement through Asia towards Hello Kitty.

This war has become very intricate, and very entertaining. EDEN has been taking some serious ground in the past few days, despite Romania being stonewalled by Serbia in Bulgaria. This thing can only get more interesting in the days to come as Pheonix holdings in Asia, especially Hello Kitty, come under closer EDEN threat. The stakes are high on both sides. The foreign high iron regions held by peace are cornerstones of their economy and weapons supply, and the rest of their footholds in Asia are strategic positions that could be used for future attacks. The loss of these would eb a huge blow to the young Pheonix alliance.

Meanwhile, EDEN has activated a very large number of MPPs against most of its members. If their current offensives falter, they may soon have the enemy knocking at their gates with powerful allies behind them. Greece especially is under serious threat from Turkey once they lose initiative, and Romania is putting themselves in a similar situation with Bulgaria. The main reason that EDEN has been able to smash through these MPPs on the offensive is coordination to diffuse enemy damage. If the initiative in this war is lost, the proper coordination to keep victories on our side will be diminished.

That's it for now, although this article will probably be meaningless in a couple more hours of military maneuvering. This is shaping up to be a very fun war to watch, and the results will have repercussions for months to come.