The War is About to Flip Out.

Day 754, 13:01 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

A few minutes ago the insane complexity of this war was revealed. Poland is now declaring war on Germany, Brazil, after taking a bordering region from South Africa, is declaring war on Australia, and Russia is voting to declare war on China. This, in combination with the Greek invasion of Turkey, Romania's soon-to-come invasion of Turkey after their conquest of Bulgaria, and Spain's little escapade in France make for one very complicated series of events shaping up in the world. So, I'll try to make sense out of all of this.

First, the Russian declaration against China. After midnight tonight, the president of Japan will allow the eUS through Kyushu into Asia. From there we will be able to move north through a region swap with china and take out Hello Kitty, as well as the Iranian Hello Kitty (laoijang or something like that). Russia most likely wants to take the Chinese regions that we would go through to get to these regions, in an attempt to slow us down on our way the these crucial Pheonix regions. Honestly, this will completely fail, as we will have made all region swaps necessary by then to have a border with the regions that we want to take.

Next comes the Brazilian declaration against Australia. This is a little harder to get a hold of, since there is no real strategic gain this move can have for Brazil. I assume that they believe Australia may attempt to make blocking maneuvers against Indonesia, and they want to stop this from happening. They may also be trying to take advantage of the fact that Australia's MPPs will be tied up fighting in other battles, and they are looking for a quick region or two. This, of course, will backfire horribly as Brazil cannot take out all of Australia, and the Aussies will come back and most likely use the new bridge formed by Brazil to take out Indonesia in South Africa.

Now we come to the wild card. Poland declaring war on Germany comes completely out of the blue. Germany has MPPs with Russia, eUK and Indonesia, and no real strategic value for Poland. Plus, in 24 hours, an MPP with Hungary will prevent Poland from taking any more regions beyond what they start taking at that point. It will be very interesting to see how this plays out, and what the leaders in EDEN are thinking of in the long run.

Meanwhile, the Romanian advance into Turkey on its way to Iranian held regions in China and Iran hit a little snag when Serbia attacked one of their new Bulgarian regions. At the same time it looks as if the Greek attack on Aegean Coast of Turkey is a flop, and their efforts only serve to block the Turks from playing a role in the events to come.

Keeping track of this war is going to keep getting more difficult as we see Pheonix try to pull out last minute blocks against EDEN advancement, and EDEN comes up with more strange tactics to neutralize enemy damage and take more territory. This is certainly going to be a very entertaining and exciting war in the days to come.

P.S. for those of you who have been long time subscribers, I have not been writing many in-depth articles lately. As you can see, I'm back, and will be writing more often again 🙂