Pheonix Losing Ground Fast

Day 756, 15:18 Published in USA USA by RomanEmpire

As the current World War spirals even further out of control and into insane complexity, we begin to see the EDEN aggression making some serious headway. Pheonix bust be a little worried about these advances being so successful, and coming close to some very important regions.

In Asia, Indonesia is being backed into a corner with nowhere to run, and Iran may soon be in the same position, as Hungary watches the eUS come closer and closer to Hello Kitty. Thanks to a bit of land swapping with China, the eUS now borders, and is attacking, the last Indonesian held Chinese region: Xinjiang. With Iran blocked by India and Russia unable to attack without being counter-blocked at this time, blocking measures by Pheonix are impossible for the time being. As Indonesia is about to be thrown out of this area, our attentions now turn to Iran, including some Indian regions that we can take out, as well as their prize, Liaoning. Once Iran is thrown out of East Asia, the eUS will have only one target remaining: The Behemoth Hello Kitty. This will beyond a doubt the the most difficult battle the eUS has ever fought, and the same goes for Hungary. This battle will surely break records, and determine the course of the eWorld for month to come.

In the Middle East, Romania is finally making an advance into Turkey, with a win in Marmara. If Romania still wants to make it to Asia through Turkey, this will surely be a difficult journey, however it may not be necessary if the eUS can do enough of the dirty work over there on its own. Meanwhile, the Turks have attacked the Greek Aegean Islands, where current DOD Orders say to fight. This is where the strong MPP list against Greece from their attacks on Turkey earlier are going to haunt them, as they are in extreme danger of losing a few regions. Just to the North, Bulgaria continues to take back more of its regions from Romania, which is of no consequence as Romania no longer needs these regions to get to Turkey.

To the north, Poland has taken three regions from Germany in their new war, most likely stopping for the time being to avoid activating the new Hungarian MPP with Germany. In an unexpected move, Sweden has declared war on Germany as well. I expect them to go through North-western German regions to get down to Belgium and retake the country from the UK/Netherlands. Slovenia continues to block Croatia from making any plays in the war, and this will likely continue for a while.

Unfortunately, Brazil got the chance to finally attack Western Australia, where they currently have a fair lead, and may take the regions from the Aussies. However, this is not all bad. If Brazil can be blocked when some of the larger battles elsewhere die down, Australia can steam roll through South Africa and, with a little help from allies, even take Indonesia out of Africa. If this could be pulled off successfully, as well as the current campaign in Asia, we can see Indonesia pushed back to only original regions in a week or two.

There still lies the problem of India region swapping with us so that we can get to Jakarta. If we can push Indo out of their two Indian regions while we are in Asia, the Indonesian empire will be, effectively, over. Iran as it is will not be able to survive the coming attacks on its Indian territories by the eUS, and the only region they have a chance of keeping through an attack is Liaoning, which is heavily fortified and crucial to their empire. Then the crown jewel of this EDEN offensive comes into view, as the Asian campaign is undoubtedly aimed at taking down Hungarian held Heilongjiang (Hello Kitty). If we can somehow manage to pull this off and completely free Asia, the Pheonix empire will be greatly diminished in its economic capacity, as well as military effectiveness once their weapons become so much more expensive without the high iron. As a result these regions will not be given up easily, and will be historic record breakers that I am sure we are all looking forward to.

Eden is not acting without Risks to itself. As we are seeing in Greece, massive offensives like this open a ton of dangerous MPPs against you that can come back later to bite you. Most Prominent EDEN nations are putting themselves at risk in the future for this campaign. But, if you ask me, the risks are worth it if we can pull it off. The center of the PEACE/Pheonix empire's power has been their high iron regions. Without that, we can bridge the gap between their older and, in some ways, more powerful armies.

With stakes lie these, always fight smart. Follow DOD Orders always and stay coordinated. Buy weapons and use them in the important fights; this is no time for penny-pinching! By standing united and fighting in the right places at the right time, we can accomplish our mission and make the eWorld a little more safe for us and our allies. Keep up the good fight!