Jster: An Investigative Report

Day 938, 22:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

An indefinite but presumably rather short time ago, a mysterious man arrived in Ireland from half way around the globe. Yesterday, his citizenship request was illegally approved by Ronald O'Reagan in spite of all Irish immigration laws.

Within 24 hours of being accepted as a Citizen of Ireland, this man, Jster announces out of the blue that he is running for Labour Party President. In 28 minutes he receives 57 votes on his article, allegedly from his "previous subscribers." Shortly after he then states that he's not running anymore so Labour can assure a fair win for 5n4keyes in the IFP Party President. However, Jster then suddenly reinstates his candidacy and launches an advertising campaign for Labour President.

This, to me, stinks of PTO. I decided to read back on Mr. Jster's newspaper just to see if I could find out anything about this shady man's past. However, shifting through his articles, most of his newspaper is made up of "advertisements" like these:

"Struggling to get your article moving? No one voting for it? So Close to reaching top news?!

All of these problems could be solved, with the simple price of 2.2g

For just 2.2g my business will add 50!! votes to your article.

Or are you a subb whore by any chance? I am willing to add 50 subbs for 1.6gold! with any purchase of 50 votes.
(Subbs can be purchased separably for 2.2g)

Just PM me http://www.erepublik.com/en/citizen/profile/2002413 and link the article you want voted up. Once I have received the donation of 2.2g or 3.8g (For the combo), I will let the voting commence within 14hours of when it has been donated. (Obviously gotta give room for me to sleep 😉 Or catch me on IRC to have an article voted instantly!

Any queries feel free to reply here or contact me on IRC or PM me. IRC channel: #MVASI"

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Okay, not only does this stink of PTOs, but it REEKS of multis, so I did a little more investigation.

Allegedly, Jster does it "With my 49orgs and my account," but this is rather inconsistent with his "previous subscribers" explanation. However, there are also plenty of commentators that claim he is legitimate, but then again, who vouches for the watchdog? That's 245 gold worth of organizations right there, or over 120 euros in real life; definitely not something to be handled lightly. To be fair, at least Jster, who previously served in Congress with the Australian Social Democrats, has the same political alignment with Labour.

I'm not calling anybody a PTOer or a multi, I'm just laying our some very interesting information. I don't believe any of this warrants prosecution either, but I do think it at least warrants an explanation from Jster.

On a side note RO'R removed me from his friends list. T_T

-Protecting Labour from PTOs since day 904, your friendly neighborhood journalist, J. Gutenberg.