Guess Who's Running for Dáil Éireann?

Day 945, 18:29 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg


That’s right, your usually friendly neighborhood journalist, JGutenberg is running for Dáil Éireann as a member of Labour in the Southeast on the 25th.

Labour? Yes, I am a member of Labour. However, I am not a radical or extremist. In fact I’m not even an eCommunist. I am an eSocialist. I believe in the benefits of eSocialism and to a certain extent eCommunism, but because and only because of the advantages they offer for Ireland and her people. I am not a real life Communist either, but again, stressing the e, an eSocialist. I also am a firm believer in individual choice and rights, and the fact that not all the views of Labour and other parties are mutually exclusive.

I’ve been a Citizen of the New World for 41 days. In this short time I’ve accomplished the following:

Ambassador to eRomania
Ambassador to eAustria
Member of the Irish Defense Forces
Member of the Irish Citizens Army
Brought to light a Labour PTO
Published 13 articles
Earned 30 Subscribers with no !! campaigns/give aways for subs
Earned 1 Hardworker medal

Now, I intend to move on to the political floor. I hope to bring to the Dail a combination of fresh ideas, respect, dedication, and duty to Ireland.

Last month, most unfortunately, at least three Teachtaí Dála resigned before there term was complete. If elected, I promise never to desert Ireland.

Mo Polaitíocht | My Politics

In regards to the UK situation I am opposed to war. Why? For one simple reason: activating the UK’s MPPs would mean certain and utter annilhiation for Ireland. Please don’t tell me that attacking them would trigger an Irish baby boom, or we could make an instant return after they wipe us of the map. Those claims are neither true nor do they have any evidence behind them. However, I would support any measure to acquire Northern Ireland through diplomacy or lease. I favor a United Ireland over an separated Ireland, however I still prefer an separated Ireland over a British Ireland.

On Ronald O’Reagan/Ajay Bruno, my opinion lies with that of the majority of the good Irish people, but trolling and flaming will not make anything better in the long run. I admit that I have been awfully rude myself in at least one article, but now that is over. The only way to truly resolve this situation for once and for all is to submit evidence of his violation of eRepublik rules to the admin and to have him banned.

This is part of what I hope will become a campaign for decency, honor, and politeness in Dáil Éireann and Ireland.

In conclusion....

Vótáil do JGutenberg Dáil Éireann!
Vote JGutenberg for Congress!
(Apologies for my awful Gaelic.)