How Dumb Do You Think We Labourers Are? A Tale of PTO Faildom

Day 936, 16:52 Published in Ireland Ireland by JGutenberg

I know 4 articles in 36 hours seems a bit extreme, although in contrast to what may appear I actually do have a life... I just have a really nasty cold and have honestly nothing better to do this weekend. That, and this is somewhat interesting.

Anyways, to the point.

About 40 minutes ago I received this in my inbox from Celsius:

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Hello JGutenberg,
I would like to ask for your support to become Labour Party President. If elected, I promise to further the development of our party in a positive way. We will be at the forefront of contributing to bettering eIreland and furthering policies which assist all the eIrish people. If you would like a leader who will be sure to include all the members and to work with you to better eIreland, then I would like to ask for vote and support for the election on June 15th. I believe we need a strong leader to assist all of our eIrish comrades. Let's start a revolution for the people together!
Thank You, please let me know if you have any questions or concerns!
La bour Party Presidential Candidate

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This would seem like pretty normal message from a Party President candidate, right? WRONG! Celsius is ("was&quot😉 Ronald O'Reagan's IFP PP VP candidate, who shockingly left the IFP two days before the party presidential elections to a party on the extreme opposite end of the political spectrum to run there for PP. Apparently Ronald O'Reagan (Or Ajay, as he is accused of being) is angry for Labour threatening to go over and vote for 5n4keyes instead of him, and sending his minions(potential multis? I don't know, Celsius is a lot higher level than ROR) over in a horrible attempt to PTO Labour.

This was my polite reply to Celsius' message:

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That's awesome I'd vote for you, I just have one small concern. Ronald O'Reagan lists you as his VP for his running of IFP PP, and THEREFOR THE FACT THAT YOU ARE A HORRIBLY OBVIOUS IFP PTO!

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This was Celsius' reply to my message:

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I know he does. Reason I left the IFP because I want no part of him. Out of all the accusations that have been PMed to me, I have got to get away from him.

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And my reply:

<><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><><> <><><><>

Sorry, but you still seem rather suspicious. Perhaps an introduction is due, instead immediately leaving and running for Labour PP, no?

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I'm convinced. Vote Celsius for Labour President on the 15th!

Thank you for reading,

~J. Gutenberg
